Х х Letter Sound Example Transcription Х х х kh хохот, халва хохот, халва khokhot, khʌlvɑ х kh хит, схема хит, схэма khɪt, skhɛmʌ Russian Х is similar to English H, but not the same. Ч ч Letter Sound Example Transcription Ч ч ч ʧ час, свечи час, свэчи ʧɑs, svɛʧɪ ш ʃ конечно канэшна kʌnɛʃnʌ The letter Ч looks somewhat like the number. Г is pronounced as a hard voiceless sound х / kh in the following cases: in such combinations of letters as гк (ле гк о - лэ хк о / lɛkhko). А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё. Dont be confused because its actually a lowercase Т in Russian cursive. How do you pronounce Х (х / kh) properly?
И и Letter Sound Example Transcription И и и ɪ мир, жми, физика мир, жми, физика mɪr, ʒmɪ, fɪzɪka ы yɪ жир, жизнь жыр, жызн ʒyɪr, ʒyɪzn И is pronounced as и / ɪ in English keep. Х is pronounced as a soft sound х / kh in the following cases: before the vowels и, е, ё, ю, я ( хи мик* *- *хи*мик / khɪmɪk before the soft sign ь ( Хь юстон - *х*йустан / khjustʌn). Letter Main sound Letter Main sound А а / ɑ Я йа / jɑ Э э / ɛ. Ю ю Letter Sound Example Transcription Ю ю йу ju юла, вьюга йула, вйуга купить дженерик super p force priligy julɑ, vjuga у u люди, пюре луди, пурэ ludɪ, purɛ Ю can be pronounce). The main hard voiced sound of Russian В is similar to English V - в / v ( в одка - в отка / votkʌ). Also, Я can be pronounced as one sound а / a with the simultaneous softening of a preceding consonant sound (if its possible after the consonants ( мя со - ма са / mɑsʌ). К к Letter Sound Example Transcription К к к k арка, какао арка, какао ɑrkʌ, kʌkɑo к k кювет, кедр, веки кувет, кэдр, вэки kuvɛt, kɛdr, vɛkɪ Russian К looks almost like the Latin. Ka (К к or K k; italics: К к or K k or К к or K k; italics: К к or K k ) is a letter of the. In 1956, The Code of Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation declared about the optional use of the letter Ё instead. Pay attention: while in English the sound k can be also achieved with Q and C, in Russian, К is the only letter that makes this sound. In its hard version Russian Н is pronounced as English N: н / n (нос - нос / nos).
Moscow dialect, that is used not only in the capital of Russia but also in the Central regions of the country, forms the main Russian standard: unstressed О is pronounced as а /. The Russian alphabet Heres the Russian alphabet in case you just need a quick reference: Letter Name and Pronunciation А а а ɑ. In some cases Т goes without any sound in the middle of the word: in such combinations of letters as стн, стц, стск (гру стн ый - гру сн ый / grusnyɪ).
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Г is pronounced as a soft voiced sound г / купить дженерик super p force priligy g in the following cases: before vowels и, е, ё, ю, я ( ге рб - гэ рб / gɛrb). Theyre followed by the next vowel и that makes it also soft.) П п Letter Sound Example Transcription П п п p пост, шапка, скрип пост, шапка, скрип post, ʃɑpkʌ, smpɪr. When uttering a soft consonant п / p, the middle part of the back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate, the lips are more pressed against the teeth, the edges of lips are slightly parted to the sides. Р is pronounced as a soft voiced sound р / r in the following cases: before vowels и, е, ё, ю, я ( ре ка - рэ ка / rɛkʌ) /Exceptions: some bon. И can be pronounced as ы / yɪ_ see below) _after ж, ц, ш: ма ши на - ма шы на / maʃyɪna.
/Exceptions: some borrowed non-Russian words ( жю ри - жю ри / ʒurɪ). Д is pronounced as a soft voiceless sound т / t in the following cases: купить дженерик super p force priligy at the end of the word before soft sign ь (гвоз дь - гвоз т / gvozt).
Lowercase г in cursive looks similar (without a wave) to English lowercase r in cursive. "kah" Л л L l Like купить дженерик super p force priligy "l" in light "ehl" М м M m Like "m" in mat "ehm" Н н N n Like "n" in no "ehn" О о Stressed: O o Unstressed: A a Like "o&quore.